Friday, May 8, 2009

Zombie Lit 101

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is a big hit for Quirk Books, one of the more intriguing publishers on the contemporary landscape. I'm looking forward to reading Seth Grahame-Smith's collaboration with the late Jane Austen....

I was never all that enthusiastic about Austen's original work, but the addition of zombies to a stuffy novel of manners holds some promise of being better able to hold my interest. Which leads me to wonder whether there's hope for the publishing industry after all. Imagine the possibilities!...

The Zombie in the Rye
The Zombies Karamazov
20,000 Zombies Under the Sea
Around the World in 80 Brains
Far from the Madding Zombies
Gone with the Zombies
The French Lieutenant's Zombie
Tender is the Zombie
A Portrait of the Zombie as a Young Man
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Zombie
Of Zombie Bondage
The Zombie Also Rises
The Sound and the Zombie
The Zombies of Wrath
The Great Zomsbie
I, Zombie
The Heart is a Lonely Zombie
The Naked and the Zombie
The Maltese Zombie
The Old Zombie and the Sea
The Old Man and the Zombie
A Clockwork Zombie
All the King's Zombies
A Connecticut Zombie in King Arthur's Court
A Farewell to Zombies
The Zombie Always Rings Twice
One Flew Over the Zombie's Nest
Alice's Adventures in Zombieland
The Zombie of Oz
Tarzan, the Zombie Man
Tess of the Zombievilles
Zombie of the Baskervilles
Gulliver's Zombies
The Canterbury Zombies
Wuthering Zombies
Of Mice and Zombies
Lady Chatterly's Zombie
The Zombie of Monte Cristo
Brave New Zombie
Aesop's Zombies
A Tale of Two Zombies
Grimm's Zombie Tales
The Adventures of Hucklezombie Finn

Not to mention the potential of Shakespeare's canon...

Romeo and Juliet and Zombies
A Midsummer Night's Zombie
The Merry Zombies of Windsor
A Comedy of Zombies
Twelfth Zombie
The Taming of the Zombie
Two Zombies of Verona
The Zombie of Venice
Much Ado About Zombies

Plus, there are all those titles out there that wouldn't have to be changed at all, such as....

The Way of All Flesh
From Here to Eternity
Naked Lunch

Admit it: You can visualize the narrative for each and every one all of these titles, or at least the ones you've read. At a time when the publishing industry is struggling, and the economy is in a shambles, this could be a means to employ every would-be author in a recovery program to rival FDR's Works Progress Administration.


1 comment:

  1. You have WAY too much time on your hands!!! And so must I because I kept reading them!!!

    Annette :)
